Heritage Professional Associates

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Theresa Trenholm, MA

More About Theresa Trenholm

Theresa is being supervised by Dr. Sandy Kruse on the testing team through the Heritage Diagnostic and Assessment Center

About Theresa Trenholm

Theresa is part of the Heritage Diagnostic and Assessment Center team and works with Dr. Sandy Kruse to provide comprehensive psychological/neuropsychological evaluations which are evidenced based and address specific emotional and behavioral concerns. She specializes in testing with children and adolescents, particularly related to Neurodevelopmental Disorders (ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Autism) but also evaluates for emotional and behavioral issues as well (depression, anxiety, trauma, oppositional/disruptive behaviors). Theresa is currently completing her doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology at Adler University. In Theresa’s spare time, she enjoys spending time with family, walking her dogs, and reading. She also plays a variety of sports and enjoys traveling to new places.