Professional Development/Training
Are you seeking to grow your professional skills in the context of a rich and seasoned clinical team guided by best practices and a spirit of curiosity?
The Heritage Center for Professional Development/Training (formerly known as our Clinical Training Program) is a robust professional and training community which is aligned with our values of cultivating a hospitable environment for growth, curiosity, and learning along with being rooted in best practices and competent clinical care.
We believe that individuals learn best in an atmosphere of safety, openness and support, with supervision that is responsive, informed by professional standards and appropriately stretching. Our professional community is marked by a growth mindset, which views all questions, challenges and missteps as opportunities for growth and learning.
The Heritage Center for Professional Development/Training provides a variety of training and supervision opportunities for students and professionals at different stages of their development.
We offer Post-Doctoral Residency and Fellowship programs for Master’s and Doctoral level Graduates who are seeking additional support and supervision towards licensure.
We offer state of the art training and supervision for Master’s & Doctoral level students. Find out more about how our training program may be a good fit with your clinical training needs.
We offer opportunities for undergraduate students to grow and learn at Heritage Professional Associates.
For Early Career Professionals who have graduated from their Master’s or Doctoral Programs but are seeking additional support and supervision:
FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM: Sometimes, life circumstances make it more difficult to obtain professional licensure in the “typical” timeframe. Or, there are some who, despite recently completing graduate studies, are seeking paid clinical opportunities with more structured supervision on their way to licensure in their field.
POST-DOCTORAL RESIDENCY PROGRAM: The Center for Professional Development provides post-doctoral training for future psychologists seeking more in depth training and supervision in neuropsychological testing and/or therapy. Therapy supervision and training specializes in ACT, DBT, CBT and/or psychodynamic approaches based on the preferences of the Post-Doctoral Resident who would be paired with a supervisor who specializes in their preferred therapeutic orientation.
For Early Career Professionals who have graduated from their Master’s or Doctoral Programs but are seeking additional support and supervision:
Its uniquely designed for those who either:
· Completed graduate studies in the past but stepped out of the field for a time (to raise children, care for loved ones, chose a different career path for a time, etc.) and are now looking for a way to re-enter the mental health field. These professionals often come with good life experience and prior academic training, but may benefit from structured support and training to update and further develop their professional skills and competencies (and in some cases to obtain their professional license).
· Recently completed graduate studies but would benefit from additional structured support and supervision to hone their professional skills and competencies as they move towards licensure.
The Fellowship Program offers a structured sequence of supervision and training in:
Developing a theoretical orientation and building a repertoire of effective interventions
Evidenced based practices to treat a wide range of psychiatric disorders
Current trends in ethics and ethical decision making models
Professional identity development
Marketing professional services
The Post-Doctoral Residency Program is a structured path towards licensure as a Psychologist in Illinois and follows Illinois licensure requirements:
It includes a minimum of 2000 hours total postdoctoral training and 1 hour weekly supervision under the license of an IL licensed psychologist supervisor (part time and full time opportunities are available).
Post-Doctoral Residents would be paid a percentage of their clinical receivables and 1 hour of weekly individual supervision is included in their training (at no cost). In addition, all postdoctoral residents participate in weekly group supervision Thursday 2-3pm for practice wide staff meetings, clinical training, consultation groups (Trauma, ACT/DBT, Testing, Child Therapy) and the Heritage Foundations Group (focused on the business side of psychology, marketing and professional identity issues). Opportunities to supervise either undergraduate or graduate clinicians are also available.
For more information about our Fellowship Program through the Center for Professional Development, please contact Pam Bult, LCSW, Coordinator for Master’s Level Programs ( 630.325.5300 ext. 270).
For more information on our Post-Doctoral Residency opportunities through the Center for Professional Development, please contact Dr. Sandy Kruse (630.653.9700 ext. 286)
At the Center for Professional Development (formerly known as our Clinical Training Program), we mentor the next generation of clinicians and psychologists so they can thrive amid changing trends in health care and service provision. In this vibrant learning environment, students hone their clinical skills, develop their professional identity and learn best practices in the field of psychology. We wish to serve as an effective bridge between what the student is learning in the classroom and “real world” clinical settings to apply and hone what they have learned
Our clinical supervisors are carefully selected based on their years of experience and expertise in the field, demonstrated passion for mentoring students and commitment to their own ongoing personal and professional growth. These seasoned clinicians and psychologists serve as excellent role models and take a relational and developmental approach to supervision, building on the student’s prior experience and current identified strengths in a safe, growth-oriented atmosphere. Training is based on the requisite skills (APA Benchmark Competencies, etc.) outlined in the profession which are foundational to early career practice. Supervisors are responsive, available and draw from best practices in the professional literature to provide a blend of “supportive and stretching” feedback to cultivate the personal and professional competencies as identified by the American Psychological Association needed to thrive as a future licensed practitioner/psychologist.
Doctoral Training in Psychology
(Practicum/Externships/Advanced Placements)
Clinical training opportunities are available for diagnostic/testing and therapy (Master's students, doctoral advanced practicum/clerkship students) for a wide range of presenting problems and ages (children, adolescents, adults, older adults).
We also offer employment opportunities for doctoral students who wish to develop their skills in therapy or testing under licensed supervision and to be paid a competitive rate for their work. Please see the Employment Opportunities.
For more information on our Doctoral Training opportunities through the Center for Professional Development, please contact Dr. Sandy Kruse, Director of the Center for Professional Development (630.653.9700 ext. 286).
For more information about our Master’s Training Program through the Center for Professional Development, please contact Pam Bult, LCSW, Coordinator for Master’s Level Programs (630.325.5300 ext. 270).
Diagnostic/ Assessment opportunities are provided through the Heritage Diagnostic and Assessment Center (HDAC) for a wide range of presenting problems with pediatric (child/adolescent), emerging adults, adults and older adult populations. Doctoral students seeking specific Neuropsychological training or those seeking general diagnostic training are welcome to apply.
Diagnostic students learn the “art and the science” of psychological /neuropsychological testing and how to write relevant reports and practical recommendations to guide treatment for more effective outcomes.
· Psychiatric concerns (anxiety, depression, bipolar, trauma, personality disorders, disordered eating.)
· Neurodevelopmental concerns (high functioning autism, learning disabilities)
· ADHD/Executive Functions
· Behavioral/Conduct Concerns (Disruptive Mood Dysregulation, Oppositional Defiant, Conduct Disorder)
· Neuropsychological Testing (intellectual, memory, dementia, brain injury, etc.)
· Clergy/Ordinand Evaluations
· Gifted Testing
· Wellness Evaluations (for International Boarding Program Students)
Therapy opportunities include therapy training in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) or Psychodynamic Therapy Models. Some of our supervisors also use Internal Family Systems (IFS), trauma focused treatments and Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT).
· Outpatient therapy (individual, group, family therapy)· School based placement (1-2 days/week, then Heritage 1 day/week for outpatient testing or therapy placement, for total of 3 days/week)
· Therapy with international high school students (4-8 students/week) and either therapy or testing at Heritage
Common referrals include:
· Psychiatric concerns (anxiety, depression, bipolar, trauma, personality disorders, disordered eating)
· Neurodevelopmental concerns (ADHD, high functioning autism)
· Relational Stress and/or social issues
· Life transitions
· Behavioral/Conduct Concerns (Disruptive Mood Dysregulation, Oppositional Defiant, Conduct Disorder)
Yes! School Based Training Opportunities: Our partnerships with local schools flow out of our values of promoting prevention, wellness and building strong relationships with those in the community. We address mental health needs in a way that is relevant, timely and honors individual differences.
· International Student Programs - Doctoral students provide school based therapy with adolescent international students who are facing relational issues, anxiety, depression and cultural adjustments.· Therapy placement in a school setting – One student each year is placed at a local school (K-8) 1-2 days/week, providing evidence-based practices in group therapy (social skills, executive function, anxiety) to students, parent and teacher consultations, classroom observations and 1:1 therapy.
Through our Center for Professional Development, Master’s level graduate students in Psychology/Professional Counseling, Social Work and Marriage and Family Therapy train as clinicians on our vibrant clinical teams in both the Wheaton and Hinsdale office locations.
Internship opportunities are personalized based on the specific training needs and goals of each student clinician. The Center for Professional Development is devoted to excellence in supervision to ensure that each student is well-supported and appropriately challenged. Clinical skills are cultivated through developmentally focused supervision which occurs in the context of a warm, supportive supervisory relationship to cultivate professional competencies. Student clinicians will collaborate and learn with and from other professionals in a multidisciplinary practice setting (social workers, psychologists, psychiatrist, marriage and family therapists, professional counselors) through weekly educational seminars/consultation groups.
· Child/Family Track – This training track provides clinical opportunities in a school-based setting (1-2 days/week) as well as in the outpatient clinical practice setting at Heritage. While this track is focused on children/families, student clinicians are also welcome to work with adults as well. Student clinicians provide evidenced based group interventions in a school setting and learn behavioral health brief consultation models through brief student appointments in the school setting while also learning more “traditional” intervention models through outpatient services at Heritage.
· Generalist Track – this training track focuses on therapeutic interventions for adolescents/adults or across the lifespan (children, adolescents, adults) and focuses on group therapy, individual/couple/family therapy interventions through our outpatient group practice setting.
Doctoral students receive weekly supervision with a licensed psychologist, as well as opportunities to shadow/co-lead sessions with their psychologist supervisor (ex. diagnostic interviews, testing feedback sessions with their testing supervisor and co-leading therapy sessions and/or group therapy with their therapy supervisor).
All doctoral students also participate in weekly group supervision on Thursday 2-3pm for staff meetings, clinical training, consultation groups (Trauma, ACT/DBT, Testing, Child Therapy) and the Heritage Foundations Group (focused on the business side of psychology, marketing and professional identity issues).
While we are not an ACEPT site, we honor the fact that doctoral students are required to abide by ACEPT guidelines and timeframes. However, students seeking Neuropsychological testing opportunities are permitted to apply early (as early as mid-October) and will be offered positions on a rolling basis.
The internship program provides a unique opportunity for undergraduate students to explore how psychology or social work degrees relate to “real world” mental health professions. Within a multidisciplinary practice setting, students are introduced to a variety of clinicians with credentials in social work, professional counseling, marriage and family therapy, and clinical psychology. Students gain firsthand experience and insight into the day-to-day activities of a thriving group practice through their engagement in either our General Psychology or Neuropsychological Clerk Internship positions.
Typical undergraduate internships are unpaid and are approximately 16-20 hours/week for a 16 week semester; summer internships may be 25-30 hours/week.
The undergraduate internship program at Heritage Professional Associates includes but is not limited to the following responsibilities and opportunities:
General Psychology Internship Position
Neuropsychological Clerkship Position
A cover letter of interest and resume should be submitted electronically to Dr. Sandy Kruse, Director of Heritage Center for Professional Development (630.653.9700 ext. 286).
Interviews will occur the semester prior to the internship.

“Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.”
— Nelson Mandela