Despite your best efforts to create positive change in your life you remain stuck. You are not particularly depressed or anxious but certainly can use a trusted guide to help you get the outcomes you desire. Or maybe you are beginning to doubt whether it’s even possible to get the relationship you want, lead your organization skillfully, or take your athletic performance to the next level.
Coaching is a process between a coach and a client that guides the client from where they are to greater competence and fulfillment. Coaching focuses on the future and helps people move forward. A key role of a coach is assisting the client to maintain the motivation and commitment needed to achieve their goals. They help their client commit to action and serve as a sounding-board to their experiences.
Coaching provides a powerful way to maximize potential by discovering one’s unique strengths, enhancing clarity around vision in all different domains of life and instilling the habits that lead to peak performance toward achieving goals.
What are some areas of coaching?
Life Coach
Organize around your strengths to enable growth in all domains of your life.
Relationship Coach
Identify obstacles that continuously undermine healthy relationships with romantic partners, co-workers, or friends. Learn effective communication, strategies to strengthen boundaries, and research based steps to working out differences.
Parent Coach
Equips you with the tools necessary to create a safe and loving connection with your child(ren) across the life span toward a more satisfying family life. Also, coaching helps manage life stressors of caring for aging parents while also caring for younger children.
Performance Optimization Coach
Identify and implement best practices toward cultivating a growth mindset and creating habits that lead to more consistent, long term success.
Executive Coach
Clarify your “why” and learn how to transform nagging insecurities and fears into empowered leadership.
About Coaching
Different from traditional psychotherapy, coaching equips you to strive for that next milestone in your life, building on the stability and strength already instilled in you without the use of psychiatric diagnoses or billing insurance. Coaching is not a protected title regulated by any governing bodies at this time.
Whether virtual, by phone or in person our coaches are here to help. Our coaches seek to create a collaborative relationship that tends to be direct, challenging and with a focus on accountability. This begins from the first appointment where we prioritize understanding your aspirations and assessing your strengths and obstacles so we can envision concrete goals that work for you.
All coaches are not created equal. Technically, anyone can call themselves a coach and provide professional services. Since the title “coach” is not a protected title with required licensure/certifications holding people accountable for their services, care should be taken to select an ethical and well trained professional. Heritage coaches all hold advanced degrees in psychology and mental health, are guided by research and best practices and the highest levels of professionalism and ethics.