Values-Based Living
How often does the weight of the world feel like it might break you? You’ve worked so hard to do the right thing and make a difference! Yet you’re haunted by that critical inner voice that tells you it will never be enough.
Maybe you’re the one envious of everyone who looks put together while your moment to moment is flooded by distractions and emotions that seem to overwhelm and control your every step. What you think, what matters, how you view and treat others can switch at the drop of a hat and you wonder if there is any core within you that can stand up to an emotional surge.
Maybe to the outside world you look like you have it all together, you’re driven by high standards, you push yourself but in the process are hurting yourself, pushing away the people you love, and missing out on the beauty life offers. You long to feel whole and connected.
If any of that fits for you, the therapists at the Center for Values-Based Living are here to help.
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Here, we will assume that you are not broken. You are facing the brokenness of the world the best way you know how. When confronted with the reality of pain it is such an inevitable pull to do everything possible to protect yourself and control that pain however you can. The unfortunate reality, however, is we can find ourselves deep in cycles of avoidance or reliving the strategies that helped us survive a particularly broken time and that steals us away from what brings us meaning and connection.
The Center for Values-Based Living offers a variety of services to help people develop their window of capacity for not just managing intense emotions and impulses but also experiencing the joy found in a purposeful, value-driven life. Together with our staff, you or your loved one will collaborate to create an individualized treatment plan that recognizes your strengths and targets problem areas utilizing individual counseling and/or group treatment with the variety of approaches described below. Regardless of the specific approach, we focus on thoughts, feelings, and behaviors from a perspective that emphasizes creating space for awareness, courage, and love to bring about healing and transformation.
Mentalization-Based Treatment (MBT)
Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT)
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
Emotion Efficacy Therapy (EET)
Mindfulness-Based and embodied (somatic) approaches
Its time to find your life worth living

“Every painful event contains in itself a seed for growth and liberation.”
— Anthony de Mello