Michal Kocum, LCPC, CADC

More About Michal Kocum

He is trained in Mentalization Based Treatment (MBT) and depth oriented therapy, as well as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT).  As a Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor he provides relapse prevention and harm reduction support. He specializes in establishing a depth-oriented, dynamic relationship that deepens insight and ability to live life to the fullest.

About Michal Kocum

Michal is an integral part of our Center for Values Based Living.  He is passionate about developing a safe, authentic relationship that will allow for growth, understanding and impactful change. He has experience working with adults in residential settings as well as intensive treatment programs. His focus includes complex and attachment trauma, dissociation, substance and alcohol use, difficulties with mood (anxiety, depression, mania) and relational suffering (codependency, boundaries, communication). In his free time Michal enjoys learning from and about nature and ecology, sharing space over a crunchy board game and keeping up to date with corners of the internet close to his heart, so he Doesn’t Forget To Be Awesome.

Dani MacGregor

Web + Graphic Designer with 10+ years of non-profit and creative experience. I have a soft spot for pretty much every cause and charity. I admire all non-profits for their work in every issue and value their contribution in making the world a better place.

Through her blog “Thistle While You Work” this seasoned charity professional shares in-depth knowledge, skills and tricks to open your donors hearts and pockets. She has worked with every type of charity - religious, children, educational, medical, animal, conservation and human rights. Plus she has made over 70+ websites for non profits, thought leaders, authors and even the famously fun Hard Rock.


Nancy Duarte G., PsyD, LCPC


John Moulder, MSW, MDiv, MMus, LCSW