Anxiety or Fears
Anxiety includes such experiences as worry, dread, the anticipation of something negative looming in the near future; it includes restlessness, distractibility, inattention and problems with immediate memory. Sometimes anxiety is tied to avoidance of a specific person, event, or place. Other times anxiety becomes managed in our life by repetitive behaviors that help us feel protected and in control. Anxiety can be incredibly uncomfortable, accompanied by unwanted physical sensations such as ‘butterflies in the stomach,’ muscle tension, headaches, tightness in the chest, hot or cold sensations in the arms and feet, dizziness, and nausea. Treatment includes cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) and can include medication when the symptoms are severe and/or there is a significant family history of anxiety problems.
Sometimes testing can also help to clarify the presence of these concerns, particularly if there may be more than one symptom occurring at the same time (ex. Anxiety, depression and/or focus issues) or if there may be complexities to one’s concerns due to trauma and/or medical conditions.
For more information, check out our Diagnostic & Assessment Services